Root Canal Treatment

Understanding Root Canal Treatment

Have you faced a dental issue recently, and your dentist suggested a root canal treatment? Are you wondering what a root canal treatment is all about? Let your try finding out more about the root canal treatment and how it affects you.

What is root canal treatment?

Our teeth are covered on the outside by the enamel. The second layer is called dentin. Then there is a soft inside that consists of nerves that go into your jawbone. The soft core consists of what is called pulp in the dental language. The pulp includes connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, fibroblasts, and odontoblasts.

When a tooth decay reaches the core, the pulp can get inflamed and cause severe pain. At times, the pulp may even die. This needs to be fixed, and the treatment conducted to address this issue is called root canal treatment. The pulp and everything else inside the affected tooth are removed in this treatment to prevent the infection from reaching the gums or any other surrounding teeth.

When do you need root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment may be suggested in the case of the following symptoms –

  • A consistent pain in a particular tooth
  • Discolorization of tooth
  • Sensitivity in a single or a particular tooth
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • A tooth that feels a little loose
  • Severe pain when chewing or biting.

If you come across any of these symptoms, make sure to fix an appointment with your dentist. He should be able to analyze your condition and suggest root canal treatment.

Is root canal treatment painful?

Root canal treatment is a major procedure in dental care, and you may experience mild pain after the root canal. The root canal treatment involves cleaning the insides of the affected tooth. This can irritate the surrounding nerves and gums.

You will feel the pain until the root canal heals. The pain will not last for longer. Since the pain is generally mild, you will be prescribed the over the counter pain medications to help handle the pain. If you face any pain that lasts longer or becomes unbearable for any reason, you can consult your dentist.

The aftercare of a root canal treatment

Once a root canal procedure has been undertaken, you may feel that the tooth is sensitive for a couple of days. It should generally last only a day or two.

However, if you want the results of the root canal to last longer, you need to take care of your teeth. Some of the oral health care regimes that you need to follow would include

  • Avoid chewing with the treated teeth for a few hours or maybe a couple of days after the treatment.
  • Brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash regularly.
  • Visit your dentist for regular check-ups at regular intervals.

The root canal treatment generally does not cause major pain. It can help you bring a longer term of relief and improved oral health. If you are facing any of the symptoms which indicate the need for a root canal, make sure to consult your dentist in Gurgaon for the necessary treatment.

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